The melee weapon wich makes you a survivor,the Machete MWM weapon mod by.we all new this man ,Master Shifu! I really liked the vanilla asult rifles so here a mod wich makes them more awsome: If you need weapon mods.just ask me I have even more of them Oh and I saw someone made Dragbodys packs for fallout 3,but cant remember who My favorite armor mod:Stalker armors,use only if low rez textures doesnt scare you. Metro 2033 armors,must have for the Metros in fallout 3.Find them behind the Rivet city Metro station If you like Army of two get this!Find them in Big Town Some big tanky hi res armours,made by Toxa,find them in the BOS base
Sorry but there wasnt a female Deadpool I'll tell you if I find one,found in megaton
Something like the ranger amrour,found in Andale The new vegas version is a jocke!Get the original here,Coyote reflex!Ī shiny Samurai armor,I miss a helmet but its cool even without
Something really awsome Tumbajumba and others did,Scavenger armors If you want the most awsomest overhaul mod wich adds tons of content and armors get fook!! I buried my Fallout 3 some weeks ago,(use ENBs at your owen risk!!)but here are my fav's